We believe that God is deeply interested in the health and well-being of humanity, and that He wants to use His church as a special agent of healing to relieve suffering and reveal His love.
Seventh-day Adventist Philosophy
We believe in a “ministry of healing” by which people can be restored to wholeness. We emphasize the prevention of disease and relief of suffering through simple lifestyle habits that correspond with the way God created us to live, and at the same time acknowledge the effectiveness of evidence-based therapy when disease has already occurred.
We believe that God is constantly working to heal people on the deepest level, and that His healing power is available to us today, giving us wholeness in our brokenness:

Fruit Pops
Great summer treat.
1 can coconut cream (full fat)
1 1/2 cup berries (any type)
5 large ripe bananas
pinch of salt
Blend all ingredient and pour into popsicle molds and freeze.
optional - walnuts or pecans (add after blending)